
Originally named Centre Circuits, Chemcut was founded in 1956 as a manufacturer of precision equipment for printed circuit board production. One year later, the company sold its first Chemcut™spray etching machine. Chemcut etchers were at the forefront of technology innovation, as our mass-produced printed circuits quickly replaced handmade circuit boards.

Today, we continue to be the world’s leading developer and supplier of wet processing equipment for photo chemical milling of thin metal parts, chemical engraving of signs and nameplates, etching printed circuit boards, metal finishing, specialized glass processing for flat panel and touch-screen displays, photovoltaic (solar) panel manufacturing, and non-traditional processing of semiconductor products.

You can count on our experienced engineers and chemists to listen closely and to understand fully your specific needs and objectives. We will then design and trial your process in our in-house lab prior to final production, assuring the delivery of a proven manufacturing solution backed by decades of experience and world-renowned reliability and customer service.

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