Chemcut’s Blog

Check-in with us regularly to keep up with our blog so that you can learn from the etching experts. You can also signup for our mailing list so you get a monthly email with our special and blog posts.

How to Etch Titanium

Chemcut has been building conveyorized titanium etching equipment since the 1960’s. We perhaps have the most experience in the industry when it comes to etching titanium. If you want to learn more about the basics of this process, check out this blog post.

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Employee Highlight: Stanley Smith

Chemcut performed an interview with Stanley Smith, a mechanical engineer who has worked with Chemcut for nearly 60 years. Check out the blog post to learn more about his experience.

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5 Tips to Maintain Alkaline Etchant

Alkaline etchant is often the choice etchant for printed circuit board manufacturers because of its many great qualities. However, if you wish to reap the benefits of it, it will require a lot of work. Without proper knowledge on maintaining alkaline etch, your etching process can be a major headache. Here are some tips to help you maintain your alkaline etchant.

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4 Great Features of EVA

Are you someone who is looking for more automation for your etch shop? If so, then we would like to introduce “EVA” — the highly anticipated solution for material handling. Just last month, EVA made its premiere at the IPC APEX EXPO. If you did not get the chance to visit us and see EVA in action, then allow us to provide you with a proper introduction.

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Highlights From IPC APEX 2022

IPC APEX EXPO 2022 turned out to be a great time for showing our equipment and new features. In San Diego, the Expo had a much larger turnout than many were expecting. In the prior year, attending technical shows like IPC moved from an in-person setting to a virtual one because of the pandemic. With the shows coming back to in-person, the show is making a come back and manifesting that the industry is still strongly moving forward.
Read more to find out about the new features presented and to hear a word from a first time attendee.

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6 Dos and Don’ts of Ferric Chloride Etching

Ferric chloride is one of the most widely used etchants in the field of chemical etching. It is commonly used to etch steel and stainless steel parts, but it is also capable of etching copper. Although it is a versatile etchant for chemical machining, there are some things you should be aware of if you are new to using it. Check out our 6 dos and don’ts with ferric chloride.

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